T Do
I missed my self induced deadline by a day. But I promise you are in for a treat.

There are some things that have really made me think over the past week. The first one is the hand signal known as "scissoring". I am amazed at how far it has spread and how many people are doing it without realizing where it first originated. The gesture was first established after viewing an episode of South Park to tease a homophobic friend. She had just recently joined the army and was preparing to go to boot camp and was afraid at the prospects of seeing just girls for the next few months. All the running and sweating, rolling around in the mud, and showering together was really starting to freak her out. So in the Bro House manner, we took her shame and showed it to the whole world. Now, I have seen 16 and 17 year olds doing it. Grandmas are doing it. Koreans are doing it. It is showing up in pictures everywhere. It is going to replace the overly used peace sign. This hand gesture is no longer ours. We must let it grow.

On an unrelated note, everyone should go and watch How I Met Your Mother. It is the new Friends. The show's premise has a man in the future voiced by Danny Tanner from Full House telling his kids the story of how he met their mother. It is full of good clean laughs. Oh, Neil Patrick Harris is in it and NPH would not be in a show that sucks.

Till next time,
T Do
T Do
So I finally started a blog. Some people might use this as an avenue of venting and as a means of releasing stress. Not I! I see this as a treat for everyone of my readers out there. All 3 of you. Why? You get to see the inner workings of my mind. You will see what I see. You will feel what I feel. But most importantly, you will smell think what I think. Updated weekly, and if you are lucky biweekly (which can mean twice a week or once every two weeks but in the context of this statement, it means twice a week), you will most definitely learn a thing or two. I will put my musings on the world's current topics down on paper and you, my friend, will learn to appreciate the complex workings of my mind. Without further ado, I hereby declare that T Do's blog commence.

Without wasting another post, I will delve right into my first topic. Most of you probably don't know about this, but Oklahoma City is planning on building a new tourist attraction that will rival Paris's Eiffel Tower, St. Louis's Arch, Seattle's Space Needle, and New York City's Statue of Liberty. You are probably thinking of some monstrous architectural wonder. Oklahoma City is thinking pretty big if it wants to rival those aforementioned world class cities. So what could it be? It would have to represent our state in a way right? How about a gigantic golden teepee? It would represent our Indian population and their profits gained from casinos. What about a gigantic Kevin Durant statue, sending a big screw you in Seattle's direction? I personally think both of these would be better than what is actually being proposed. Everyone ready for it? All 3 of you?
It is a big oil derrick...

Now is it just me, or does this just add fire to the ongoing stereotype that us Okie's have. We live in teepee's, ride horses, and have no indoor plumbing. This stereotype is no joke. I went to Washington DC for a school field trip back in the seventh grade. Met a couple of girls my age from Philadelphia at one of the luncheons. They were amazed that I was about Oklahoma and proceeded to ask my horses name and just how many Indians I had killed. I might have forgiven them if I was white, but I am 100% Vietnamese. What the hell would a Vietnamese person be doing living in the wild west? So I proceeded to dispel their misconstrued notions about Oklahoma City. They were skeptical and to this day I still believe that they do not know the truth. Ashley and Cynthia, if you girls are still out there, give me a call. To get back on topic, it is these types of things that help cement our stereotype. If we really want to change it, we need to stop showing hillbillies on the news after a tornado, we need to sterilize the uneducated, and we need to get rid of lawmakers like the guy that is proposing this monument.

If I was in charge of creating an OKC attraction, do you know what I would build? I would convince Disney to build Disney Universe here in Oklahoma. It is the only logical next step in their corporate plans. Disneyland in California, Disney World in Florida. Next comes Disney Universe and where better to put it than Oklahoma. Smack dab in the middle of the United States. Could draw tourists from everywhere. It would be physically closer to Kansas, Texas, other midwestern states, Great Lakes area, Canada, and even parts of Mexico.

Till next time,
T Do