T Do

A friend asked me a while back why my blog is so emo? To which I replied, "I don't need to tell people when I'm happy." Which now that I have had time to think about it, is totally misguided.

It's unfair for someone to hear all your hardships and sorrows and not be able to reap the benefits of also hearing all your joys and happiness. However, if I don't write about something good that happened right away, I tend to forget it even happened. The good feeling still stays with me the rest of the day though. Bad things are like a rainy cloud, they just seem to hover over your head all day and no matter what you do, you just can't get out from under it.

I would like to compare this to dreaming if you would allow me. We never seem to remember our good dreams unless we write them down immediately upon wakening. But with nightmares, they tend to stick with you forever. I still remember a nightmare I had when I was 8 about a mummy chasing me through my backyard. Even though I have/had no fear of mummies whatsoever, the vivid picture still sticks with me.

So I'll try to recount the good things that have happened in my life since 09/12/10, my last blog date.

1) God granted me a 25th year on His green earth.
2) My grandmother is no longer in pain and finally at peace.
3) I am still on my way to graduating.
4) Thanks to ObamaCare, I am getting good health insurance again starting 01/01/11.
5) Family gets closer everyday.
6) I didn't burn the house down cooking the turkey.
7) I didn't freeze my toes off waiting in line for Black Friday.
8) My parents are still happily married after 25 years together!
9) Used my Hangman skills to cash in my good karma.
10) Reconnected with some old friends.
11) Welcomed a new baby boy to our large family: Baby Hien (Caiden).
12) Graciously gifted the Civic to the sister.
13) Jumped in a moon bounce.
14) Went to a Thunder game. They lost :(
15) Re-met some family members.
16) Tried Bobo's Chicken (It's overrated)
17) About to close a large chapter in my life, or at least leave it to be continued.
18) Haven't wasted any money at the movie theaters.
19) Say Toy Story 3 again, but this time was more like a man and didn't cry.
20) Driving an Accord now. I like it better than the Civic. 2x :)
21) Been to the airport way too much in the last 3 months.
22) Went to shoot pool once, came home smelling like smoke. I hate shooting pool.
23) Perfecting my British accent so I can make fun of Beckham. (Pronounce "not" like "note" and "can't" like "cawn't")
24) Life To Be Continued...

T Do
T Do
Everyday it seems,

Shoulders get a little less lighter,
Hair turns a little less darker,
Skin becomes a little less tighter,
Mind grows a little less wiser.

Eyes grow a little heavier,
Smiles become a little cloudier,
Clocks turn a little slower,
Faith gets a little stronger.
T Do
I can smell it. The sweet scent of lady summer. I can honestly say this is the summer that I have looked forward to the most. Not because I'm tired of unsummer, but a little break right now is what I need to refresh the mind.

I can taste it. The seemingly endless carefree moments. Where my biggest worry every night will be what time I should wake up the next morning. That's not to say I won't do anything productive these next three months. Because I intend to stay very busy.

I can see it. That light at the end of the tunnel. Let's just hope it's not an oncoming train, ready to put a damper on what will be a start to a wonderful summer, filled with soccer, golf, baseball, ships, the ocean, and so much more.


Life is a game of politics, and if you can not play it, they you might as well get out. There is a right way of doing something, and there is a fair way of doing something. Life is not fair, so either learn how to do things correctly, or you are going to be burned again. Throw away the "me against the world" attitude. Otherwise you will soon realize that it is truly you and you alone that is against the world. The world is very forgiving, but repeated sins against her will soon make you realize that her bitchslap hurts.

If you can not learn to put your emotions aside, you will not survive. Learn that there will always be someone higher that you will have to answer to. You are never your own boss. You may think you make the decisions. You make think that you are the king. Get off your high horse. Keep your ego in check. Life is a game of politics. You want to get things done quickly, quit pissing people off.

To succeed in life, learn to keep your ego in check while stroking other people's egos. I am not saying be a kiss ass. No one likes a kiss ass, but no one likes an arrogant prick either.

Stay humble. It is alright to be confident in your talents and proud of your accomplishments. You work very hard to earn them. But the minute you feel like you are a better person than someone else because of your accomplishment/talents, then you have become an arrogant douchebag.

T Do
T Do
What a productive night I'm having, FML.

Anyone I'm going to go to the driving range tomorrow. Seriously thinking about buying a cheap set of clubs and taking lessons over the summer. Game seems really fun. Plus, you can be a pimp like Tiger. My friend told me about this golf class he took in college. How they had a limited number of balls to hit. So they would have to go get their ball everytime they hit it, and I thought to myself, "that sucks."

And then I really thought about it, and realized that is how you play golf. You hit it, go find it, and hit it again, until it falls into the hole. Then repeat. Still thinking about playing though.

And for all you punks that I asked to go play frisbee golf with me and never did. Suck it! I found someone else that enjoys it. But if you ever want to go play, give me a call.

So tomorrow,
9:00 am --> pull pants down and bend over
11:00 am --> lunch
11:30 am --> FIFA
1:30 pm --> stand up straight and pull pants back up
3:00 pm --> sleep
6:00 pm --> go swing some clubs
After that: TBD

Old one but still great

This is how I'm going to feel tomorrow.