I can not sleep. So instead of wasting my energy trying to fight the summer circadian rhythms, I decided to write in my blog. And then, I could not think of anything to write. Bummer...
But after surfing the web, I have stumbled onto something that nobody out there would probably care to read about. I will rank the top 3 movies that have yet to come out this summer that I am very much looking forward to seeing. If you could care less what my opinions are, you probably should not be reading my blog in the first place.
You may ask why this is ranked so far down the list. Most people would have this at the top of the list. However, I have no doubts in my mind that this movie will not be as good as the first one. I don't think there is a lot of new stuff they can put in this movie that was not already in the first one. Plus, it would be weird going to see a movie and having An Mai orgasming to the sight of a CGI Optimus Prime. I will probably not go see this movie at the midnight showing much less the first weekend. Definite second weekend for me.
2. Pub
lic Enemies (July 1)
Anything starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale can not be bad. Christian Bale is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. Despite having the ego and personality of a douche bag. But this movie sounds like a true guy flick. With mobsters, bank robberies, shootouts, and car chases, it sounds a lot like Heat. And guys can take their girlfriends/dates to this movie. The girls would just be distracted by Depp and Bale. No Homo. I might go see this movie the first weekend.
1. G.I. Jo
e: The Rise of Cobra (August 7)
Despite the many bad reviews this movie has already received, and the reported firing of the director even before the editing of the film has been finished, G.I. Joe is my most anticipated movie of the summer. From what I hear though, the fanboys in us will have to forget the cartoon series to fully appreciate the movie. I never really watched the cartoons when I was younger, so I have no problem with that. The trailers look awesome and I can not wait to see the adaptation of this series. Definite first weekend.
Movies I will definitely not be watching:
Bruno (J
uly 10)
I just don't think that Sacha Baron Cohen is that funny. I did not think Borat was funny, and I thought he was horrible in Talladega Nights. This movie looks stupid and I would not waste any amount of money to watch this. I would not pay the $8.50 to watch it in theatre, the $4.00 to rent it, or spend the precious 2 hours of my life to sit through this excuse for a movie. I still do not understand how he is dating that hot red-headed chick from wedding crashers (Picture to the left instead of Bruno)
Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 15)
I stopped watching the Harry Potter movies after the 4th one. I never saw the 5th one. Why you ask? The movies never do the books justice because the books are too long and great. What makes the series so great is the side plots and the minor details and the minor characters in the world of Hogwarts. There is just too many things from one book to put into a 2 and a half hour movie. They should have divided each book into two movies. The movies just make it seem like the whole series was about Harry vs Voldemort. It was much more plot than that. So instead of ruining my perception of what has been a great book series, I have refused to watch the remaining Harry Potter movies.
I'm feeling pretty sleepy now, so I'm off to bed.
Edit: Just noticed that it's been a year exactly since I started this blog. Happy birthday to me and to the ones (not millions or thousands or hundreds or even tens) of readers I have out there.
T Do
But after surfing the web, I have stumbled onto something that nobody out there would probably care to read about. I will rank the top 3 movies that have yet to come out this summer that I am very much looking forward to seeing. If you could care less what my opinions are, you probably should not be reading my blog in the first place.
You may ask why this is ranked so far down the list. Most people would have this at the top of the list. However, I have no doubts in my mind that this movie will not be as good as the first one. I don't think there is a lot of new stuff they can put in this movie that was not already in the first one. Plus, it would be weird going to see a movie and having An Mai orgasming to the sight of a CGI Optimus Prime. I will probably not go see this movie at the midnight showing much less the first weekend. Definite second weekend for me.
2. Pub

Anything starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale can not be bad. Christian Bale is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. Despite having the ego and personality of a douche bag. But this movie sounds like a true guy flick. With mobsters, bank robberies, shootouts, and car chases, it sounds a lot like Heat. And guys can take their girlfriends/dates to this movie. The girls would just be distracted by Depp and Bale. No Homo. I might go see this movie the first weekend.
1. G.I. Jo

Despite the many bad reviews this movie has already received, and the reported firing of the director even before the editing of the film has been finished, G.I. Joe is my most anticipated movie of the summer. From what I hear though, the fanboys in us will have to forget the cartoon series to fully appreciate the movie. I never really watched the cartoons when I was younger, so I have no problem with that. The trailers look awesome and I can not wait to see the adaptation of this series. Definite first weekend.
Movies I will definitely not be watching:
Bruno (J

I just don't think that Sacha Baron Cohen is that funny. I did not think Borat was funny, and I thought he was horrible in Talladega Nights. This movie looks stupid and I would not waste any amount of money to watch this. I would not pay the $8.50 to watch it in theatre, the $4.00 to rent it, or spend the precious 2 hours of my life to sit through this excuse for a movie. I still do not understand how he is dating that hot red-headed chick from wedding crashers (Picture to the left instead of Bruno)

I stopped watching the Harry Potter movies after the 4th one. I never saw the 5th one. Why you ask? The movies never do the books justice because the books are too long and great. What makes the series so great is the side plots and the minor details and the minor characters in the world of Hogwarts. There is just too many things from one book to put into a 2 and a half hour movie. They should have divided each book into two movies. The movies just make it seem like the whole series was about Harry vs Voldemort. It was much more plot than that. So instead of ruining my perception of what has been a great book series, I have refused to watch the remaining Harry Potter movies.
I'm feeling pretty sleepy now, so I'm off to bed.
Edit: Just noticed that it's been a year exactly since I started this blog. Happy birthday to me and to the ones (not millions or thousands or hundreds or even tens) of readers I have out there.
T Do